MKMMA – Week 3

Another week “in the books” for the Master Key Master Mind Alliance Scholarship Program. Books such as Scroll 1 of “The Greatest Salesman in the World” and the first three chapters of the Master Keys. More importantly, “books” such as the new one being written about my life, my attitude, my opportunities and my future.

This book is not for sale and cannot be found in your local bookstore or antique shop. It’s a book being authored in my mind by my new favorite author, my sub-conscience. A book which is uncovering my hidden abilities. The abilities which have always existed, but which have been beaten down by years of self-doubt and discouragement. A book which is working like a piece of heavy equipment to rip away the layer upon layer of muck which has weighted down my abilities to move forward and grow.

It’s a new day. The sun is shining. Time to get to work!

Jerry B

About Jerrybmasterkey

I'm a married father of two young daughters. Having been imprisoned in Corporate America for too long and becoming aware that I was losing more and more of my life with each promotion and job change, I broke out of my (so called) America Dream and am pursing financial and time freedom through my own business.
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3 Responses to MKMMA – Week 3

  1. Brad Pollina says:

    It sure IS a new day! I’ve added you to my blogroll at . Feel free to add me as well.

  2. I love it! Layers of muck being ripped away leaving potential and belief to blossom!

  3. MKmleforu says:

    The Greatest Salesman in the World is now You! Because it is you dream your after.

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